Lodge Yggdrasill™ Rituals
The rituals contained hererin are the property of Lodge Yggdrasill™
And Bress G. Nicneven.
They are to be used by the reader as a guide.
They are not the "end all, be all" to rituals - by any means.
If you, or your group wish to use them in part, or in their entirety....all we require, is that you ask us first.
Thank You!......And Enjoy!
And Bress G. Nicneven.
They are to be used by the reader as a guide.
They are not the "end all, be all" to rituals - by any means.
If you, or your group wish to use them in part, or in their entirety....all we require, is that you ask us first.
Thank You!......And Enjoy!
All Rights Reserved