Sunstead Blo't Rite -
By: Godi Boji - 2245 R.E.

Juneau, AK. Courtesy of Bress G. Nicneven
Welcome ALL gathered ----------->
Blo'ting of the Eddaic Gods - Sunstead Blo't
(While standing in the appropriate direction, with Mead-Horn held high; Godi/Godia says:)
North -
Blo'tings O'Frigga,
Thank you for being the Womb of all Creation!...Heilsa!
(All say:) - Heilsa!
East -
Blo'tings O'Wodan,
Thank you for being the Breath of all Life!...Heilsa!
(All say:) - Heilsa!
South -
Blo'tings O'Thor,
Thank you for being the Hearth of all Inspiration!...Heilsa!
(All say:) - Heilsa!
West -
Blo'tings O'Sif,
Thank you for being the Sustenance of all Living-things!...Heilsa!
(All say:) - Heilsa!
(Go to the center of the space, where the liabation bowl is already placed, Mead-Horn held high; And say:)
Blo'tings of the Aesir! Blo'tings of the Vanir! Blo'tings of the Ancestors All!
(Now begin to pour the mead from Horn, into Bowl; While saying:)
Blo'tings of the Elder Edda have been layed-down...Like the kennings of the Ones-Before-Us.
(All say:)
As we are!
(Now begin pouring the mead from the Bowl, back into the Horn; And say:)
Blo'ted, as we are!
Confederates gathered - Who will speak well of them now?!
(Pass the Mead-Horn around, and let everyone toast/speak well of the "great deeds" that the Gods have blessed us with. Once completed...the Blo't is done.)
Blo'ting of the Eddaic Gods - Sunstead Blo't
(While standing in the appropriate direction, with Mead-Horn held high; Godi/Godia says:)
North -
Blo'tings O'Frigga,
Thank you for being the Womb of all Creation!...Heilsa!
(All say:) - Heilsa!
East -
Blo'tings O'Wodan,
Thank you for being the Breath of all Life!...Heilsa!
(All say:) - Heilsa!
South -
Blo'tings O'Thor,
Thank you for being the Hearth of all Inspiration!...Heilsa!
(All say:) - Heilsa!
West -
Blo'tings O'Sif,
Thank you for being the Sustenance of all Living-things!...Heilsa!
(All say:) - Heilsa!
(Go to the center of the space, where the liabation bowl is already placed, Mead-Horn held high; And say:)
Blo'tings of the Aesir! Blo'tings of the Vanir! Blo'tings of the Ancestors All!
(Now begin to pour the mead from Horn, into Bowl; While saying:)
Blo'tings of the Elder Edda have been layed-down...Like the kennings of the Ones-Before-Us.
(All say:)
As we are!
(Now begin pouring the mead from the Bowl, back into the Horn; And say:)
Blo'ted, as we are!
Confederates gathered - Who will speak well of them now?!
(Pass the Mead-Horn around, and let everyone toast/speak well of the "great deeds" that the Gods have blessed us with. Once completed...the Blo't is done.)
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