Tiger Iron is a stone comprised of many different properties, as it is comprised of many different stones in one: Tiger’s Eye / Hemetite / Red Jasper / Chert / and Quartzite. This Banded Iron Formation (BIF) belongs to the quartzite family, and is a 7 – 8, on the hardness scale. It may be found in the Lake Superior region within the United States, Brazil, Mexico, and Australia.
A solar propertied stone, Tiger Iron captures and radiates light. Allowing it to glow, change colour, and flash, as if it were lava in motion; beneath the Earth’s crust. Each stone within its family is as varied in colour and composite as quartz is to diamond.
Tiger Iron is a true “healing gemstone”: Tiger’s Eye – for stimulating and facilitating energy production. Hematite – for dealing with pain. Red Jasper – for strengthening the heart, cleaning the blood, and improving blood circulation. Chert – for igniting and/or charging the properties of other stones. Quartz – for facilitating all things healing. The combination of these minerals present makes Tiger Iron a very strong amplifier of other stones, and of their properties.
Tiger Iron likes to be cleansed in water, and to be allowed re-charging time in the Sun’s light between uses. It is the “foundation stone of vitality” and is the “ever-present shield” of unwanted energies.
All Hail Tiger Iron!
A solar propertied stone, Tiger Iron captures and radiates light. Allowing it to glow, change colour, and flash, as if it were lava in motion; beneath the Earth’s crust. Each stone within its family is as varied in colour and composite as quartz is to diamond.
Tiger Iron is a true “healing gemstone”: Tiger’s Eye – for stimulating and facilitating energy production. Hematite – for dealing with pain. Red Jasper – for strengthening the heart, cleaning the blood, and improving blood circulation. Chert – for igniting and/or charging the properties of other stones. Quartz – for facilitating all things healing. The combination of these minerals present makes Tiger Iron a very strong amplifier of other stones, and of their properties.
Tiger Iron likes to be cleansed in water, and to be allowed re-charging time in the Sun’s light between uses. It is the “foundation stone of vitality” and is the “ever-present shield” of unwanted energies.
All Hail Tiger Iron!